For sale is holy grail Urei Rev D 1176 limiting amplifier!
This is an extremely rare prime era serial #2073.
There were total 992x Rev D units EVER made, found between serial #1239 - #2331.
These units are some of the most sought after and desirable vintage recording pieces you could possibly add to your arsenal. Both studio owners and collectors go crazy for these and due to excellent form and function. They sound amazing and have all the mojo in the world. These have become extremely limited and are near impossible to find.
These are usually locked away in studio collections and IF they do come around typically the close friends will get first dibs on them. The value on these continues to sky rocket and will only continue going up as they become scarcer and scarcer.
For quite some time there has been insane hype for the earliest 1176 Blue Stripe Rev As & Bs however in the last couple of years the market has really been going crazy for these with value going through the roofs for the earlier black face models.
The earliest Blue Strip Rev As & Bs can be noisy and active which to some is not a favored sound. Many people love and adore those, but it doesn't change the fact that they can be noisy.
What makes these Rev Ds so special is that after the Rev As & Bs Urei introduced improved low noise circuitry which really helped with overall fidelity. These units also were still totally Class A pieces! There were only 1,532 total black face units made that had the combination of the low noise circuitry BUT were also still class A giving it that amazing harmonic distortion that transforms your source signal recording to the magical sound.
After that 1176s were no longer Class A and the story goes on from there. Those black face units that fall between that range are as good as gold!
This unit was JUST picked up from the repair tech shop 1 week prior to the start of this listing. The unit was fully check out, calibrated, adjusted, new fuse, etc to make sure its fully functioning ready for a long life in your studio!
We are also selling the sister unit to this piece 73x serial numbers apart! That piece is on a separate listing. Its a very rare opportunity to link 2x sister Rev Ds together as a stereo pair.
Theres no doubt these are amazing pieces and values will continue raising in value. If you have been looking for one of these they dont come around very often so please buy and pay confidently we will ship ASAP upon payment.