Selmer Mark VI 140xxx Sanborn Serial Alto Saxophone WHOA HOLY GRAIL!

Regular price $5,799.00

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For sale is a Selmer Mark VI 140xxx David Sanborn serial with glorious original laq and American engraving!

This is the real deal prime era Sanborn serial range.  These horns are top of the tier most highly sought after horns in the world!

These horns are incredibly rare and just virtually dont exist!  These horns are so valued and cherished that most of these have been swept up into collections being held onto for life.

Every once in a very rare while one of these pops up, but they will typically have a range of problems such as, relaq, missing neck, pickup on neck, euro engraving, way to late serial number, etc. 

This horn is the perfect combination of prime serial, original laq, American engraving and No F# key which are all very important to collectors of this range.

This horn has strong patina and has its fair share of scratches, Knicks, dings, dents, fleabites, patina, metal ware of various red colors, repair marks, weld marks, and other anomalies associated with such an old vintage saxophone.  The neck appears to be pulled down, and I will recommend getting this adjusted by a tech.  This sax is going to require a full mechanical overhaul and pad job to be playing a sax.

Once again to repeat...

This horn is need a full overhaul and pad job!

Once this horn is overhauled with new pads its going to be a beast of a player and an amazing investment.

If you have been looking for a Sanborn horn do not hesitate to make a move on this beaut!  Take a look at the market right now, currently listed on ebay there is not other American engraved proper serial range Sanborn.  When they do pop up they typically sell in a matter of hours or days and are gone. 

Mark VI alto prices have been seriously on the rise of recent.  Im pricing this appropriately for this horn to sell right here, right now so please dont hesitate to buy and PayPal over!

Im actively shipping and have all the materials on hand to get your new sax out to ya!  

Please buy confidently I will ship ASAP upon payment! 

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